The Camarillo Rotary Club Foundation has presented its 2024 community grants, totaling $24,800, to a variety of local nonprofit organizations. Announced at a recent club meeting, the awardees include: Teddy Bear Cancer Foundation, St. John's Healthcare Foundation, Flight Foundation, Pleasant Valley Historical Society, TEACH, Ninety-Nines; (Ventura County Chapter), Boys & Girls Club of Camarillo, Miracle League of the 805 ,SEE AG, Brain Injury Center, Camarillo YMCA, Ventura County Library Foundation, Reel Guppy Outdoor, and Fight Foundation. |
SCHOLARSHIPS AWARDEDOur club's annual Scholarships are one of our oldest community service projects, second only to the Track Meet. They began in 1962 as the Honn Memorial Scholarships, named in honor of two sons of then club president Charles Honn; the boys tragically drowned in an accident off the Oxnard coast. From one award annually in the early days, the program has grown over the years, and recently we were happy to honor eleven deserving students with $1,000 Camarillo Rotary scholarships. The winners, shown here right to left with club Scholarship Committee Chair Ira Schoenwald, are: • Larissa Barralaga, recipient of the Scott Family Vocational Scholarship. She plans to major in Construction Management at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. • Nicole Ayala is currently pursuing a degree at CSUCI and hopes to build her own business. • Christian Fababier (Hueneme High School) plans to attend UC Irvine or Oxnard College and pursue a degree in Mechanical Engineering. • Antonieta Jaquez (Adolfo Camarillo High School) is planning to earn a degree in Public Administration at UCLA. • Albina Leal (Hueneme High) plans to attend UC Santa Barbara, and pursue a degree in the Sciences. • Mauricio Martinez (Camarillo High) wants to attend UC Irvine and double major in Criminal Justice and Political Science. • Lauren Mitra (Rancho Campana High School) plans to attend UC Irvine to pursue a degree in Psychology, followed by graduate study to earn an MS in Clinical Psychology. • Anaya Rodriquez (Rancho Campana High) will be attending Santa Monica College to obtain her degree in Child and Adolescent Development. • Agle Rosales (Hueneme High) is considering UC Berkeley and UCLA, with a planned major in Biology. • Catlin Troxel (Rancho Campana High) will attend the University of Connecticut and major in Geoscience with a minor in Astrophysics. Also a winner but not present for the photo: Sara Abdelmalek (Camarillo High), who will pursue a degree in Biological Sciences at UC Santa Barbara. Congratulations to all of our scholarship winners. We are so proud of your hard work and dedication, and we wish you all the best in your future endeavors! |
ANOTHER GREAT VIVA LA COMIDAOur 53rd Viva La Comida at the Camarillo Community Center on March 4, 2024 was a big success. Big thanks to everyone who attended and supported the event. Viva La Comida began in 1971 as a fundraiser for the Camarillo Boys Club, and over the years has become a great community tradition. Proceeds from this year's dinner will support a wide variety of local nonprofits through our Camarillo Rotary Foundation.
NEW RECORDS SET AT TRACK MEETSaturday, May 18, 2024 saw 15 schools and 500+ athletes compete in 100+ events at Camarillo Rotary's annual Hap Rapp Memorial Track Meet, held at Adolfo Camarillo High. The meet began in 1960, and is the club's oldest community service event, offering local elementary and middle school boys and girls the opportunity to compete for ribbons and trophies. Nine new records were set at this year's meet.
2024 BUSINESS ETHICS AWARDSOne of the key pillars of Rotary is Service Above Self, which can be carried out in a number of ways, including through one’s vocation. Recently, Camarillo Rotary presented its annual Business Ethics Awards, recognizing and celebrating individuals and businesses in the Camarillo community who have exemplified service to others and have operated under the highest ethical standards. Our 2024 winners, shown above (left to right) include Dan Glassman (Glassman Window Washing), Ron Skare and Jennifer Skare (Aire Serv of Camarillo), Natalia Staneva (New West Symphony), Ramiro Cisneros and Daniel Cisneros (Tajo Landscape), and Kristen Bragunier (Deeply Rooted). Also receiving an award but not show was Sam Aijaz (Somis General Store).
CAMARILLO ROTARY PLANTS TREES AT OAK GROVE PARKOn Wednesday, April 24, 2019, Camarillo Rotarians planted 19 Live Oak trees at Camarillo's Oak Grove Park, helping to replace trees destroyed by the devastating Hill fire. Each tree was donated in honor of or in memory of a friend or family member. The Pleasant Valley Recreation and Park District assisted with the planting project, which was originated by Rotarian Jay Berger, shown here with his wife Joni planting a tree dedicated to their grandchildren.